
Enjoy Enhanced
TV Dialogue
Mirai Speaker

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Mirai Speaker

Mirai Speaker

How Does it Work?

The curved shapes in the speaker’s
hardware produces unique sound
waves that specifically boosts
speech clarity.

250,000+ Happy Customers
Around the World

I’m able to hear the dialogue much clearer with Mirai Speaker. I feel the sound spreading throughout the room, and my wife can also hear the clear dialogue even while she is washing the dishes!

I don’t have to use subtitles during watching TV anymore!

Greg, 64

It was amazing! I could tell the difference immediately. The sound was easy to hear and the voices were crisp and clear. Before, I couldn’t catch what they were saying on TV, especially watching TV dramas or the news.

Mirai Speaker helps me enjoy TV again.

Mary, 59

Join over 250,000+
Mirai Speaker User Today!

Mirai Speaker

Mirai Speaker

Benefits of Buying from Our Site

Quickly Enjoy Clear Dialogue
Right Out of the Box!

Plugging in the Optical Cord to Mirai Speaker

Easy 1 Min Set Up

Minimalist Remote Control

Our Full Support

We’re here to support you
along the way!

Additional Support &
Frequently Asked Questions

Explore our FAQ page for answers to commonly asked questions and helpful information using Mirai Speaker.

Man holding the Mirai Speaker with his daughter

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Mirai Speaker

Mirai Speaker

Buy Now | $254

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