
Enjoy Clear TV Dialogue with Mirai Speaker


TV Dialogue

Background Noise


Hearing Technology

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Mirai Speaker

Mirai Speaker

Over 350,000+ Happy Customers!

Invented in Japan.

Used by industry professionals all over the world.

Mirai Speaker’s unique technology
is used in companies all over the
world to help people hear
dialogue better.

How Does it Work?

The curved shapes in the speaker’s
hardware produces unique sound waves
that specifically boosts speech clarity.

Backed by University Research

Research shows that Mirai Speaker’s “curved” sound waves reach wider and further compared to conventional speakers.

That means you can enjoy clear dialogue without turning up the volume.

How Does it Work?

The curved shapes in the speaker’s
hardware produces unique sound waves
that specifically boosts speech clarity.

Join over 300,000+
Mirai Speaker User Today!

Mirai Speaker

Mirai Speaker

Benefits of Buying from Our Site

Quickly Enjoy Clear Dialogue
Right Out of the Box!

Plugging in the Optical Cord to Mirai Speaker

Easy 1 Min Set Up

Minimalist Remote Control

Our Full Support

Try RISK FREE for 100 Days!

Mirai Speaker

Mirai Speaker

Need more information or help with set up?

Reach out to our team anytime — we are here to help! We provide answers to any questions, such as connecting to your TV to issues setting it up. Please give us a call at 1(800)834-9459 or visit our FAQ page for detailed info about connectivity, troubleshooting, follow-up care, and more.

Free Shipping, 100-Day Full
Return & One Year Warranty

Buy Now | $254

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